I know almost everybody is cynical about New Year’s resolutions. What should be so special about that one moment and the thoughts you have as descending digits mark one year’s last moments and mark another one’s beginning? But because I do believe change is possible and growth is necessary, I embrace all moments and mechanisms that can serve as starting points, clean slates, do-overs, second-chances, new seasons and so on.

Even though, as a recovering idealist, I have come to admit that plans are more productive than mere resolutions, last year I simply resolved to “read more” in 2017 and to actually see my reading projects through cover to cover.

And now, very roughly one year later, it is with the greatest joy —drumroll, anyone?— that I share with the world (or at least with you) my accomplishment: Last year I listend to 1 audiobook, read 3 books on my kindle and another 17 physical books. I read novels, short story collections, poetry, theology, spirituality and parenting books. How did I do it?

1) I started by completing all the books I had already begun reading

2) I chose shorter books (didn’t touch anything above 350 pages).

3) I kept switching up genres (to keep things interesting).

4) I read books with Bettina (we usually read out loud to each other).

5) I joined two bookclubs (disucssing a book with others is a great motivator).

This year, I didn’t have to resolve to read more, as I think I’ve internalized these strategies. Maybe I’ll be able to read even more? And there’s that idealism again. Here’s to hoping you’ll have an amazing new year (I know, it’s February) cover to cover, page to page.